Friday, January 28, 2011

PART II: Why I left a cushy job at one of world’s largest Pharma MNCs to promote NATUROPATHY – Tale of 4 brothers

This is second in the series of 4 articles.
RAVINDRABHAI SANGHVI, the youngest of the 4 brothers had moved to Mumbai few years back and was trying to settle down in this new city. It was year 1993. There was lot of work to be done and perhaps health took a back seat. He had abdominal pain which got missed out amidst work. In 2-3 days time it had become very severe.
He finally went to consult a Doctor, who diagnosed it as severe perforation of appendix. Perhaps appendix had ruptured. Doctor suggested immediate appendectomy though it was risky. He feared that if not operated it could lead to peritonitis which could be fatal. He was using best of the knowledge, which he had acquired during his education as a doctor, to save his patient.  Surgery had to be done in next one hour.
Though Ravindrabhai, who had learnt and practiced Naturopathy was no ordinary patient. The family consulted the elder brother and renowned Naturopath, Dr Jay. He advised to avoid the surgery and wait for him to reach Mumbai. Ravindrabhai thanked the doctor for diagnosis and went back home, climbing four flights of stairs to reach his apartment. In few hours Dr jay was there next to his brother.
Treatment started. Pain was so severe that anything that touched the abdomen aggravated the pain. First 5 days it was just rest, water fasting, and warm pack on abdomen. In 5 days swelling decreased and abdominal cold pack was started. He was fed on lemon water and diluted juices. In another 10 days semi-solid and liquid diet was started.
All this helped body flush out the perforated appendix, and heal the inflammation. Since no food was given, body could concentrate on repairs. In about 6 weeks he was back to work.
Most of the time we underestimate the healing capacity of body and power of rest.  We also overestimate the need to eat even when unwell. If given a chance and appropriate environment, body can heal itself even from very severe conditions.

To know if we can help you in your medical condition, you can call us on +91-2837-286812 / 286882 or write to us at

1 comment:

  1. i would like to know ,is there any treatment in naturopathy for ADHD,we have similar page in german please check it and let me inform
